Meet The Characters

A Passage From The Book

"My body went through a distressing transformation while every crack, snap, and tear reverberated in my ears, intensifying the dreadful experience. As time passed, my body underwent a terrifying metamorphosis, and I could only observe, utterly powerless, as I became trapped in these changes."

Jessica L. Cox

Inspiring Novelist

Jessica, a native of Brampton, Ontario, discovered her vibrant imagination as a child, expressing herself through writing and drawing. It was during her time in High School that her English teachers recognized her exceptional storytelling abilities and encouraged her to pursue them further.

Taking their advice to heart, she embarked on a journey at the age of 22 to develop her own book series called The Secret World Series, starting with her debut novel, Bones of the Forbidden. Infused with enchantment, supernatural elements, and romance, Jessica hopes her stories will captivate readers just as they captivated her loved ones and mentors.

Currently, she lives in Northern Ontario with her husband, son, two cats, and a bearded dragon. When she's not busy being a mom or crafting her stories, she indulges in her passion for outdoor activities such as kayaking, hiking, photography, and swimming.

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